Jumat, 05 Januari 2024

The Missing Link is Zero : Empty


This article was written in Indonesian and a little Javanese. I wrote this article using a lot of synonyms, with the intention of describing with precision. However, this will make it difficult when this article is translated into other languages, especially when I translated this article using Google Translate. I use Google Translate because I am limited in mastering languages in the world. The thing that made me do it is that I feel that the message in this article should be conveyed to all corners of the world. Please download this article in the following ebook, of course in the original language this article was written in, namely Indonesian.

The Missing Link is ZERO : EMPTY

This article may be quite long, it is already available in PDF e-book form, please download it at the following link or another link.  

The Missing Link is

The missing link is a term used in evolutionary theory to explain the relationship between predecessor individuals to transitional/intermediate individuals ( the missing link ) to the last individual or modern individual. Because the theory of evolution assumes that current creatures or current individuals started from the same thing, because they received a different process (natural selection), then those who succeeded in going through it, became new individuals. Charles Darwin did not clearly and explicitly state that humans came from apes (homo sapiens and other homo relatives) but it was the interpreters of Darwin's opinion who thought that in this way "humans can be said to have come from apes, the same as apes , the ancestors of humans are the same as monkey's ancestors." " What's wrong with being talked about by your great-grandfather? What's wrong with your grandfather? ”. It is also difficult to avoid such an interpretation, just as it is difficult not to get angry at being said that way. People with an open mind can still accept and think that maybe it could be like that, other people are indifferent " Anggepen wong gedeng, done! ”.

Why is this missing link a problem? Why is the missing link such a big problem? That's because Charles Darwin suspected or assumed that the process of change occurred by itself (natural selection). So the problem lies in the formation process, namely natural selection. How do you explain this? It's a hassle for me too! Just using an example, let's take the example of food whose basic ingredient is cassava, we call it sweet potato. Currently on the table there are 3 types of food based on sweet potatoes , one roasted sweet potato, two fried sweet potatoes, three boiled sweet potatoes. Roasted sweet potatoes are sweet potatoes that are baked during the cooking process. Fried sweet potatoes are sweet potatoes whose cooking process is fried. Boiled sweet potatoes are the cooking process of boiling them. The problem is that Darwin said that the grilling, frying and boiling processes happened by themselves (natural selection), there was no chef who cooked the process. Because the process occurs by itself, there is a question, for roasted sweet potatoes, it is permissible to burn the sweet potatoes directly in hot coals. For fried sweet potatoes and boiled sweet potatoes, before frying and boiling, the sweet potatoes must be skinned, because the process occurs by itself, there should be some leftover sweet potatoes that haven't had time to be fried or boiled, or there should be only partially skinned sweet potatoes, especially if they haven't had time to fry. or boiled. Or at this time there should be fried sweet potatoes or boiled sweet potatoes that are half skinned, or fried and boiled without skin. Skinned sweet potatoes and partially skinned sweet potatoes that have not yet been fried or boiled are the missing link, because Darwin said the process happens by itself. There should be some evidence of remains of yams that failed to pass natural selection (the process). If only Darwin had said that in the process there was a chef who cooked all the dishes on the table, of course the question about sweet potatoes that were only skinned or partially skinned (the missing link) would not have arisen, or would not have been asked. You can even add to the menu on the table, there are roasted sweet potatoes, fried sweet potatoes, boiled sweet potatoes "all the shapes of the sweet are still visible", there are jemblem, there are klepon, there are lemet "they don't look like sweet potatoes anymore", there are gatot, there are oyek, there are tape, there is gethuk, and so on.Everything on this table is made from the same ingredients, namely sweet potatoes, only the chefs make it differently and start the process differently. Because in the process there is a chef behind all the dishes, there are no leftovers or even dirt served on the dining table, everything is presented perfectly, in shape and taste. Of course the tape won't be angry if it's said to be made from the same material as glue or glue and everything.

Starting from the same root problem as the missing link, science or knowledge moves. From the same roots modern science moved for hundreds of years to civilization or modern life today. This question about the origins of life has led us to research and search for hundreds of years and continues to be continued from generation to generation until we are today. Because of this, currently there are many kinds of branches of science, broadly speaking there are three types of science that try to reveal the origins of life or even the origins of the universe or universe. These branches of science include Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This branch of science tries to explain the origins of the universe and life so that it can be accepted by reason and captured by the senses. Meanwhile, other branches of science that try to explain the origins of life, for example literature, language or religion, are only considered fairy tales and therefore cannot be accepted by reason. Apart from the branches of science, if someone tries to explain the origins of life then it is labeled illogical, labeled imaginary.

Asusmi Science and technology

 The current science that we study and is taught in schools all over the world, starts from the same root problem. People who we call scientists or scientists or even us, currently think the same, namely that everything that exists in this world, its treasuries, land, water, water, animals, plants, planets, stars, sun, moon, meteors, comets and so on, everything started from nothing (ZERO or EMPTY). And science works based on that assumption, and tries to prove that assumption by creating a theory of how it happened?, how can it move?, how can it change? So in this book or article, I invite everyone to review our assumption that everything starts from zero. Could it be that we have been thinking wrong all this time? Then why do we review our assumption that all of this started from zero (empty / non-existent). Isn't it true that if there is an empty vacuum bottle that is tightly closed without any gaps for particles to enter, then that bottle will never contain anything in it? The assumption that everything starts from zero or is empty is what I mean as the missing link in this book or article. Reviewing the origins of our wanderings in science is as no harm as reviewing the definition of zero itself. 

Before we examine or review and propose new assumptions or even theories, it would be a good idea for us to look again at the current achievements of science. How far science has moved now. How close science is to formulating the origins of life and the universe. We need this so we can measure how far we have to chase, or if it's in the wrong direction we can estimate the distance and time we need to get back.

Achievements in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Physics and achievements of physics, physics is a branch of science that studies matter or objects. The way physics works is by observing the objects around us, then coming to the conclusion that the objects around us are classified into three large groups, namely solid, liquid and gas. Then observe the shape and dimensions of an object and then measure it. So physics comes down to quantities and units of measurement. Measurements are carried out to accurately describe an object, length, width and height, mass of the object, concentration affecting the object, volume, temperature and changes in shape and dimensions. Physics also observes how an object or material affects other objects or materials. So that influence can make an object move with each other. Physics also calculates the distance and time of movement of an object. Physics arrived at the theory of the motion of objects and formulated the movement of objects. And the current motion formulas are precise enough to predict the movement of an object and the position of the object relative to other objects or the observer of the movement of the object. Physics like this is known as mechanical physics, or simply called mechanics. Then physics or materials science also moves in two directions based on the size and size of the material. The physics that observes large objects, even so large that planets, stars and galaxies are known as macro physics, while the physics that observes how small matter is, until the material is single and cannot be divided further is called micro physics, or popularly known as quantum physics.

Quantum physics is physics that specializes in observing objects or substances to a size so small that it is impossible for the object to be split or cut again and is called an atom . But then it was also discovered that there was a phenomenon that there might still be subatomic particles in the atom. So atoms are still made up of subatoms, and consist of three types, namely, protons or atomic nuclei, which have a positive charge, then there are neutrons with a neutral charge and almost the same size as protons, and the third is electrons, their mass is ± 1,800 times smaller than the mass of protons. and negatively charged. These electrons have the property of responding to light, so when light comes to shine on the atom, the electrons jump from the atom. Let's just make an analogy, so it's easy to explain, so an atom is like a fish pond, protons and neutrons determine the dimensions of the atom (length, width, height or a package of atomic volume) while electrons are the fish that swim in the atom. When there is food (light) the fish (electrons) jump up and down to fight for the food. Maybe that's the analogy of the subatomic particles in an atom.

Image Illustration of an atom like a fish pond, electrons swim freely in the atom.

Macro physics is physics that observes objects or substances that are large or even very large, up to planets, stars, galaxies and tries to unlock the secrets of the universe. Macro physics observes what objects look like, how they look, and formulates how objects can move or be moved. How can an object move? Then what is the position of a moving object relative to other objects that are also moving? The theory used to explain this phenomenon is Newton's theory of gravity and also Einstein's update, namely the theory of relativity. The theory of relativity is used to explain the motion of objects towards other objects or towards observers, whether observers who are stationary or observers who are also moving. Then, to explain how we can stand on the earth without flying around, or what is called gravity, Einstein proposed the theory that "Because of its very large size, it will bend the dimensions of space and time. That is why we are sucked in, standing on the earth . It is because of curved space that we can stand wherever we set foot on the earth. That is the current achievements of physics, this is only a small summary of all the achievements of physics, to understand it more deeply, please search from other sources. The article only contains a general overview, and is intended to be read by all groups. There may be many differences in illustration with pure physics.

Chemistry, chemistry is a continuation of physics which looks more deeply at matter or substances. Chemistry observes a material, then formulates its formation structure, determines its properties, makes its structural arrangement, and changes the material. Everything is done from the atomic or smallest element level, to trying to engineer the formation of new materials, or the purification of existing materials. Purification is necessary because most of the elements on earth are found in mixed form, not pure elements. Material in nature is in the form of a mixture or the term in chemistry is called a compound/molecule, researched or observed then it was discovered that the material is composed of several pure elements. Chemistry then tries to break down the compound so that the pure elements that make up the compound can be identified. Then, from the pure elements identified, chemistry tries to formulate the properties of these elements. Chemistry also tries to formulate the properties of natural compounds or molecules, then tries to utilize them. Chemistry has also tried to create new compounds, test their properties and utilize them. And today, we cannot escape the new compounds that have been created in chemical laboratories. An extraordinary advance in the field of chemistry.

Biology, biology is part of the branch of science that studies living things. In fact, it is not only living things that are studied in biology, but also things related to life or things that support life. Biology observes living things down to the smallest level that makes up living things or what we call cells. Biology has revealed that there are living creatures that consist of just one cell. These micro living creatures are usually called bacteria. There are even creatures smaller than that, known as viruses. Biology is also at the level of being able to duplicate living things using a technique called cloning. If cloning duplicates a living creature as intact as the creature that is the source of cloning, currently biology has been able to develop only some of the tissues and organs of a living creature. This technique is intended to develop animal meat, without breeding the animal.

That's a little overview of science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology). Of course, this is only a small snapshot of the great achievements of science. Currently, the development of these three has created something new, namely technology. With technology, the development of science has experienced a big leap. With computing technology, calculations and estimates become easier. Data collection is more careful and someone who comes later doesn't need to make observations from the start again, they just need to use observation data from previous researchers which have been recorded or computerized.

Universal formula for the creation of living things and the universe

Then the question is, to what extent can science and technology prove that this universe started from zero? Or how close is this science to proof that life started from zero or happened by itself? In my opinion, we are very close, science and technology are now very close to proving that the universe or life started from zero or happened by itself. Then what conditions are needed to achieve proof that the universe, or life, occurred by itself? What science and technology currently need to prove that this universe and this life occurred by itself is a formula for motion or a formula for mechanics of motion. Isn't there a formula for that already in physics? Yes, it already exists, but what is needed is a one-size-fits-all formula. And the current formula is not enough to explain particle motion in quantum physics. So what kind of formula is needed to answer or prove that the universe and life happened by themselves?

So the description of the formula needed to answer or prove that it is true that this universe occurred by itself is a mechanical formula or particle motion formula where this formula can determine the movement of particles, so that the movement of these particles influences matter to relatively expand or contract to form atoms. With this formula, the derivative or integral can calculate or determine when the particle or atom moves, when the atom and other atoms trigger each other to form bonds to form compounds. Then, by deriving or integrating the mechanical formula, the compounds begin to form bonds and group together to form macromolecules. With this formula, integral or derivative, we can know when matter binds, attracts, gathers, merges into a large material, so large that it influences other materials to stay nearby (gravity). This formula, integral or derivative, can calculate the limit of the attractive force of matter, so that it causes the universe to continue to expand. With this formula, integral or derivative, we can know the edge of the universe, even though we cannot yet sense it with a telescope, because with the expansion formula and measuring the reaction time of particles and matter we can calculate how far the universe has expanded. With this formula, integral or derivative, we can find out the position of a particle relative to atoms, molecules, the earth and even the universe. Because we can predict the end of the universe with this formula or with an integral or derivative of this formula.

This mechanical formula or motion formula, its derivative or integral, allows us to know why, when, where, atoms first form protein compounds, then these protein compounds begin to attract other matter. With this formula, the derivative or integral protein begins to move, attracting other materials or compounds. Then it was revealed when this living creature first existed. With this formula, the integral or derivative of this formula, we can calculate with certainty when a protein moves to form cells, organs and so on until a living creature with multiple organs occurs. With this formula, integral or derivative, we can know for sure when a living thing changes and the change will definitely be successful and when the change will stop. So there are no more questions about "the missing link". How close are we to the formula? Or how close did Sainstek come to making that formula? I think it's close enough, maybe it only takes a few steps.

Proof that God does not exist or is not needed in the creation of the universe

If there is a motion formula or mechanical formula, if it is an integral or derivative of the mechanical formula, it can explain the position of a particle in the universe. The derivative or integral can explain how the earth, planets and stars move. The derivative or integral or this formula can calculate with precision the end of the universe,   then:

At that time , it was proven that everything started from zero, which means that God's role was not needed in the origins of the universe. It is proven that God does not EXIST.

Wait a minute! Does it really only take a few steps? “ Sek, sek, jek adoh oro wes cedek yo!” I thought that was close enough, but how long do those few steps take? Wow, I don't know, even if it's just a few steps, if you just keep quiet, you won't get there forever. Hehehehe! Yes, who knows, you might want to help like that! Not that many scientists have researched, are researching, want to research at this time. Let that be a matter for scientists. Hmm.. it's a hassle, I think, wes getting this . Yo, wes, it's up to you, whether you continue or not? It doesn't go on, why don't you mbok woco or what?

“No way, bah bah mbok woco oro ora. This still doesn't continue to emboh engko dadi opo."

I think it's enough to photograph or sample science and technology, and we both know and share all the current achievements of science and technology. It feels like we will die if we live without the products of science and technology. "I think my life would be empty without science and technology", "I can't update my status, I don't know what to do", "Bored, bored, hjkl;'[]", "Just weird!" . Even though in reality you are just lying down, and it is not clear what you are going to do with life. Returning to the photos and footage from Sainstek, basically you understand better what it feels like, even though you don't know what it is. But what is called a snapshot, or portrait, is clearly different from reality.

That's science and technology today, everything we feel is a product of science and technology. Everything that exists today started from the assumption that everything that exists today started from zero, or did not exist, then humans began to observe, identify, formulate its nature. Next, humans tried to manipulate it, resulting in today's scientific and technological products. It all starts from the assumption that everything started from nothing, and trying to guess how that could happen. Then theories emerged that guessed the beginning of the universe. Speculating theories try to explain, O... maybe the universe started like this. Life was originally like this, and there are many more theories that try to explain the origins of life or the universe. There are those who start from assumptions, then observe and strengthen their assumptions and create theories. There are those who observe and then theorize. All of these theories try to explain how the universe began by itself or started from zero.

Science must believe in God because apparently no one has been able to annotate the Universal Mechanics Formula

Because a mechanical formula or motion formula has not yet been discovered, or no one has succeeded in notating it (formulating it), so during that time: 

Until now science and technology cannot say that God does not exist.

That the existence of God must be proven by science and technology, with the conditions that God must be able to be observed or detected, received by stimuli or responses and so on, God must be measurable to be recognized in science and technology. The simple term is that God must be able to be heard, seen, touched, tasted, smelled with or without the aids of science and technology. This means that GOD must meet the requirements and methods of science to be said to exist. With the conditions and methods in science and technology that apply absolutely, in fact the absolute conditions and methods in science and technology apply in a closed way ("cover" / "infidel"). 

The terms and methods in science and technology that make it prestigious will review those terms and methods. These conditions and methods make science and technology reluctant to declare that God exists, or at least admit that God may exist because the mechanical formula above has not been discovered. But the conditions and methods of science make him arrogant, closed off and busy proving that everything in the universe started with zero or did not exist. In fact, in terms of the conditions and methods in science, until now not a single human being, not even the most genius human being, even one nation or all humans on earth and under heaven, in all the ages that have passed have succeeded or claimed to be able to draw sounds accurately. or precision. The proof that in times, in eras, in nations, there are different images of sounds (writing or letters or literature) is the fact that images of sounds are only limited to interpretations, so we find many kinds of writing in the world today, even in eras or eras. which has passed. And almost all human beings in the world think this is the truth and even debate it. My previous post about "Balad: Accompanying reason in seeking God", "Balad: Accompanying reason to illustrate God", may need to be read if needed for additional explanation. “kikikik, are you offended? Angry? Want to try drawing sounds, describing feelings? Have fun! Kwokwokwok!”

Throughout the ages, throughout the time that has passed, until now there has not been a single human being who has been able to describe sounds with precision or otherwise. Even if all the senses were separated from this head, none of them would get along, or trust each other. 

For some reason, science and technology are reluctant to admit that scientifically and technologically, they cannot say that God does not exist, but they are increasingly absorbed in their formulations, findings, manipulations of the results of reducing the properties of matter. But they forgot their original goal of moving until now, that they must have definite proof that God does not exist. That everything started from zero or nothing, and they seem to have forgotten to make the statement "until now we (science and technology) cannot prove that God does not exist. Even their forgetfulness, their scientists, forgot to make that statement until death overtook them. And we are cramped with their knowledge, their theories, but our teachers also forget to convey what the scientific scientists should have stated, the impact is that the world is now covered (cover/unbelievers) in God. Or some people believe in God but are not sure. Believe in God but only matters of sharia worship. God is only limited to the door of a house of worship.

Closed methods of science and technology

In the conditions and methods used to ensure that something can be measured, observed, by looking at its shape or color, hearing its sound, touching its texture, feeling its taste, and smelling its aroma, then its properties can be derived or its properties formulated and then it can be said to be scientific. . However, the method used also failed to confirm one another. For example, science cannot confirm that red must taste hot, or blue must taste cold, or if red must taste sweet, while green must taste bitter, and so on. That the sound of something cannot be determined by its color, taste, texture and aroma, the color and shape of a certain thing cannot be ascertained by its sound, aroma, texture and taste. And everything that can be identified by one of the senses, the other senses cannot confirm that it must be this shape, this sound, this taste, this aroma, and this texture. So the tools used in science, namely the conditions and methods for something to be said to be scientific, fail to confirm each other. Then why is the wave of exaggerated assumptions being echoed in science that "God does not exist because there is no evidence of his existence that can be captured by the senses (all the senses or just one)". Science uses the term natural law instead of God's law just because it doesn't want to admit the existence of God. Why does science claim that everything starts from zero and is busy proving that God does not exist. The fact that science cannot prove that God does not exist has never been acknowledged, science has never wanted to state that they have not been able to prove that God does not exist. There is never such a statement in science books. Is stating that science has no proof that God does not exist an insult? Or if stating "that God exists" is enough, there is no need for further explanation, science stops, there is no need for observation, research, searching?

Now let's look at ourselves (me and you as well as all of you) as a large group of people who enjoy, or are affected by, products from science and technology. Will we still be engrossed in euphoria, freneticism and excitement as fans of technological products, without any responsibility to prove that God really doesn't exist? Is it sufficient that the responsibility for proof be taken only by researchers, scientific scientists? Hasn't science also failed to prove that God doesn't exist? Shouldn't science be godless, and science should only be godless if proof that god doesn't exist has been found? Then why did you choose to be godless? Then why do you only have a partial god, god for certain matters, then no god for other matters? Will we only believe in God for worship, whereas for buying and selling, lending and borrowing, helping each other, making friends, and socializing, we can ignore God? Will we be godless like scientists until death takes us? Hasn't this science passed several hundred years and still cannot prove the non-existence of God? Are we going to continue to think that time is a wall clock, a watch, a digital clock? Aren't they all (types of clocks) just tools for measuring time, while we can never capture time itself with our senses? Did time not exist before the clock was invented? If we can't see a clock (watch, wall clock, digital clock, building clock, tower clock, etc.) can we say that time doesn't exist? Like a clock with time, is that what we think of God? Should we need a clock to say that time exists? Should God be measured like time with a clock? Is it just because we can feel day-night, morning-evening, hot-cold that we say that time exists? What if it was at the bottom of the ocean that was pitch black, light never reached there, did time there not exist? Or in space where meteorites and celestial objects are not exposed day and night, does time there not exist? Should I get rid of all the questions that are in my head? 

Answer all the questions above honestly! Where are you currently? After knowing it is impossible for us, for science, and all to be godless. We must believe in God, science must believe in God, everyone must believe in God. Science must believe in God because until now science has not been able to prove that God does not exist. So from now on science must walk with God. Then will we still have fun as consumers of technology products, without wanting to take God seriously? Did you know that you are currently in a threatened position? So make sure where you are standing right now. Maybe you don't know where your threat lies, or you just don't care. Death should be enough to remind you of God. The death should have been a very harsh warning. The death of people near you, the death of previous people, the death of scientists who failed to prove the absence of God. That should be enough to make you give in and prepare for the day after death. Are we (I and you) still arrogant, conceited, pushy and require that we must be able to sense God? Even though at this time we are aware and understand that, "Time" we believe very confidently but none of our senses are able to capture it. If with "Time" we can make peace, why are we still arrogant towards God. So the choice of not being a god, atheist, agnostic, or whatever the term is, is a very bad gamble. No one has ever been recorded as winning, even though the threat of death is certain. The choice of making peace with uncertainty, and submitting to ignorance is the best choice. It should be enough for us to bow down to surrender to God the uncertainty, it should be enough for us to bow down and admit the limitations of our knowledge. Pride and arrogance will not help us from the day of resurrection. 

Choice and Impact in God

We cannot take the risk of not believing in God, because that requires us to prove the absence of God, namely a universal formula that can calculate, estimate matter and the universe. The only choice is to truly believe in God.

Whether or not it is important to study Science and Technology

If this is the case, then science must work with God, whereas science is currently running and developing to prove that the universe happened by itself, without any interference from the creator. Does that mean science is not important? Can current science and technology be abandoned? Or is studying science actually haram? Because studying it actually takes us away from God. Is science and technology a slander or a source of slander? Eits..! wait a moment, don't rush to judge it as haram or forbidden! Let's do it slowly, because forbidding something for which there is no law may be a source of great sin. So let's do it carefully, because we don't want to create a big mine of sin, where sin continues to flow even though the body is late in being killed, crumbling back to the ground. Likewise, conversely, requiring something for which there is no text or reference can also be a source of sin. So we need to weigh with various kinds of scales, we need to measure with various measuring instruments. We do this as a form of caution, and to get more precise results than the weighing and measurements that have been carried out by our predecessors, because no one wants to dig a mine whose results will only be a sin. Even though we know that God's forgiveness is as wide as the heavens and the earth.

After knowing that science and technology must be godly, because there is no evidence of a mechanical formula that can explain the will of particles or atoms to start moving. Like the formula explained above, it is a one-size-fits-all mechanical formula, either through derivatives or integrals of that formula. So what are the benefits of studying science and technology, if we only get bad things from studying science and technology? Badness means making ourselves far from God. 

There was a news from God, which reported that "Prophet Adam alaihi salam, a human who was created directly by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from earth, was ordered to tell the angels the names of all the objects that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had created. Then Prophet Adam alaihi salam mentioned all the names of these objects." Is this news just news about events that happened to Prophet Adam Alahi Salam, or is this news just a fairy tale? Is the command to say the names of objects only for Prophet Adam alaihi salam alone? Or the command to say the names of all objects also reached us as children descended from the Prophet Adam alaihi salam. Aren't we born without remembering anything? Aren't we born without a nameplate? The names we use today are given to us by our parents. We only say the names of objects according to what our parents taught us. Meanwhile, the name of all these things is science. Will we remain antipathetic towards science, science and technology? 

The next news, after Prophet Adam mentioned the names of all the objects that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had created, then Allah ordered all the angels to bow down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam. A reward in the form of a high degree for those who master knowledge is subdued by angels to obey them. Maybe it's a good idea for us to reconsider our attitude towards science and technology. Don't let us make the mistake of thinking that science and technology are not important, just believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, with prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj and the religious activities that we carry out. It is important for us to remember the news that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala conveyed to the angels that "Allah's representative will be sent down on earth".

When the angels were given the news that "Allah will send down His representatives on earth." then the angels denied or refuted by saying that "He (the caliph / representative / Prophet Adam and his descent (humanity)) will only cause damage and shed blood on the face of the earth." For the reason that all this time the angels have been glorifying and tahmid (purifying and glorifying/praising) Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Will we act like the angels who are satisfied with the prayers, fasting, zakat, hajj and orders of worship that we carry out without knowing the names of the objects that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has created in this universe? Even though we are also told that all the tasbih, tahmid of the angels were meaningless in the sight of Allah when He refused to bow down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam. In fact, this rejection made his status as an angel change to that of a devil, plus he was prepared for a place in hell. Meanwhile, Prophet Adam alaihi salam, by being able to say the names of all these objects, received a reward/reward/reward by being ordered by an angel to bow down to him and also being allowed to live in heaven.

The loss of the value of Satan's tasbih and tahmid

What actually happened in the incident above? Where has the value of the tasbih, tahmid, prostration or angel worship that he has done gone? Why were the angels ordered to bow down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam just because Prophet Adam was able to name all the objects? Because knowledge of the names of objects is a factor in evaluating the worship that Prophet Adam alaihi salam performed. The example goes like this: 

Returning to the case of the missing link, let's say that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the chef, while the universe is the serving table, the sun, planets, moon, stars and so on are the menu. When Allah serves the first menu, the angels prostrate themselves, then the second menu the angels perform tahmid, then the third menu the angels prostrate. Then Prophet Adam alaihi salam was brought and ordered to mention the names of the dishes on the serving table, so Prophet Adam named them all "Grilled Sweet Potatoes, Fried Sweet Potatoes, Boiled Sweet Potatoes, Tape, Rondo Royal, Jemblem, Lemet, Klepon , Gethuk, Gathot, Hey, Thiwul." So from that moment on, the value of the tasbih tahmid, and the prostration of Prophet Adam alaihi salam were worth twelve, compared with the acquisition of angels who only had one tasbih, one tahmid, and one prostration. This is due to the angels' ignorance of the names of objects, so they consider them all the same. 

From the parable above, we can know the impact of mastering knowledge. Because the knowledge we master becomes a factor in multiplying the worship we perform. The knowledge that we master increases our standing before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and before humans. 

By remembering the news from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala above, then consider the impact of mastering knowledge which is so great. So I don't want to think that this news is just a fairy tale, or that the order to mention names has reached Prophet Adam alone. For me, the command to say the names of objects is an order to master knowledge and I have to carry it out because I really came without remembering anything. Even though I realized it was too late at my current age. 

There is a sign that underlies my decision. Why is the order to say the names of objects still a command to me, and I feel like I have to/obligated to do it. Because of Him, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala greeted me and called me "O son of Adam". A call for me and for all humanity on this earth, including you, and all of us. And the fact that I was born without a name plate, or remembering any names. So I consider what was ordered to my father Adam alaihi salam, to also be an order for me to remember as many names as possible in this world. That also means mastering as much knowledge as possible, and I will do it until my time is up in this world.

Table Illustrating the impact of people mastering science now and in the future.

Table Illustrations or descriptions of people and the knowledge they master, as well as the impact they have in this world and in the afterlife. Of course from my point of view.

Behind the news about Satan not wanting to lie to Prophet Adam 

From the news above about the angel who did not want to bow down to Adam alaihi salam, who was later nicknamed the Devil. I will write something about the Devil that is not written in the news above, but I think it exists. Before that, I will give a logical example from written news.

Example of a news sentence (this is news which means fact, not opinion, not gossip.)

"Mother is going to the market."

There are facts that we can derive/draw/reason from the news above. For example,

"Mother is not at home at the moment."

"Mom isn't in the kitchen."

"Mom isn't cooking."

The sentence above is an example of the derivation/logic of the first news sentence that "Mother is going to the market." And the reduction results above are also a fact that exists, but does not need to be written in the first report. Things like this are quite understandable, or we can take or withdraw them when we reason or think about the first sentence of the news. News reports like this are sometimes needed so that we can measure or estimate that we are in the right position and condition.

We return to the news about the Devil above, something that we can derive from the news about the Devil above is

Until now, Satan has been judged as a kafir (closed) not because he is godless. The devil was punished as a disbeliever only because he denied the power of God.

Other news states that the reason Satan was reluctant to bow down to Adam alaihi salam was because he thought he was better than Adam alaihi salam because Satan was created from fire while Adam alaihi salam was from earth. Satan thinks that he is better than Adam alaihi salam and is reluctant to review his assumption. The devil closes his own opinion and thinks that is what is right, and is reluctant to see or review his opinion from another side (the devil thinks he is right, and demands to be justified by his God, then the existence of Adam alaihi salam is a mistake). Satan has made god with the true God, Satan thinks that God is enough with tasbih (purifying Him) and tahmid (praising Him) from Satan alone. Satan is so proud of his tasbih and tahmid, then he is also proud of the origin of his creation, and thinks that God has enough of that. And when his Lord tested him with something he thought was inferior, Satan closed himself off and persisted with his own opinion (disbelief in God's power).

That even though we have fallen in love with the true God, that does not mean we are the owners of that truth. Don't reverse the logic, God is the owner of the earth, sky and everything in it, not our God who witnesses/confirms God's existence. This is a very harsh warning for those of us who have acknowledged the existence of God. That having God is open, open to opinions that we believe to be true, open to the way we carry out the Shari'a from God, open that God is above everything, open that God has power over everything. Regarding the way we believe in God, the way we worship God (shari'a), we only live something that we believe in, but we cannot force other people to be the same as us. We also don't need to make all kinds of choices in sharia, because we are only one, we cannot divide ourselves, we cannot make all choices in worship, so we choose what is close to us, what we like and what we are most capable of doing. For example, to get to God you have to pass through a mountain, while there are four paths up a mountain, we don't have to pass through all four at the same time, because we cannot divide ourselves, or jump from one path to another. We just need to follow the path closest to us, without having to force other people to pass along the same path as us, there is no need to be shirk/envy and blame other people for taking three different paths to us, but in the end there is only one peak. 

Let's repeat again the decline of the news about Satan "The devil never closes himself off from having a god." "The devil never disbelieves in God." “The devil has become a god with the true God.”

Against ourselves, have we become gods? Is the God we believe in the real God who created the earth, sky and everything in it? That is the same God who created Satan. For those of us who still doubt God, have even closed ourselves off from believing in God, have we been able to formulate the mechanical formula above with which, or by deriving that formula or integral formula, we can know when this universe began? When does a sub-atom, protons, neutrons and electrons have a will, then decide what to become? When do the atoms start to move and decide to form a compound? When do these compounds decide to form organs? When do people's organs decide to become individuals? When does life begin? The formula does not exist, will never exist, no one will ever be able to notate it, so science and technology currently must believe in God. It's strange for a human to decide not to be a god/atheist/agnostic, even though he only finds himself suddenly existing and living in this world. He also couldn't explain how he originally died, then lived, then died again, then lived again! Who is the living, life-giving substance? It's just strange, and very strange.

Trying to Get to God

There is definitely something there that started it all, He is alive and still alive. He is God. If then to believe that God exists, we require that He (God) must be visible or we can sense it with one or all of our five senses. Let me accompany you in measuring our sensory abilities, and allow me to convey my point of view in using the five senses. I will take one sense from the five senses that has the furthest reach. For example, the sense of taste / tongue will only detect something that touches it, namely the tongue, which means that something must enter our mouth.  

Then the sense of touch is only able to detect things that we can touch, with our hands or skin. The sense of smell is quite capable of detecting something, it senses as long as there is a medium that can channel it up to the nose. Then the sense of hearing, the ear is sufficient to detect something that is quite far away, provided that the sound detected is loud enough to be heard. The final option is vision, this can detect things that are far enough away that we can see something but we can't hear the sound, of course we can't tell the smell, texture and taste. Well, we will use our eyes to sense God so that we can be sure that God really exists. Let's estimate the furthest distance the eye can reach. For example, if our line of sight to the horizon is 400 km, then we make a circle with that diameter. Then we compare the circle with the entire surface of the earth, what is the ratio between our visibility of the horizon compared to the surface of the earth? Below I made a comparison picture.

Comparison of the distance between the field and the earth's surface.

Illustrative image of the distance between the field and the earth's surface

From the illustrative data above, one blue dot is an estimate of the distance the eye can see towards the horizon, approximately 5,500 blue dots are needed to cover the entire surface area of ​​the earth. In another sense, we only see 1 of the 5,500 areas that exist, even though in reality there are many limitations that interfere with our eyes' vision. The fact that we are able to see a radius of 50 km to the horizon is a very good condition, which means the estimate above could be even smaller. In comparison, we can see 1 area out of 14,400 areas, only around 0.007%.

The description or illustration above is the same as our science and knowledge, everything we know, nothing more, nothing greater than our ignorance. All our knowledge is very small compared to our ignorance. Everything that is not known is the same as unseen or invisible or unknown. That's just a comparison with the surface of the earth, not yet a comparison with the universe. It seems that the comparison between what we know and the universe, one per decillion (1033) is too big, according to my calculations it is even smaller than that. 

I think there is more than enough comparative data between the visible and the entire universe. We can believe, believe until we are truly sure, very sure that beyond the limits of our eyes there is much more, much greater than all the things we can see. This means that to believe that there are other things out there our senses are not needed. Something we need is to free our minds so that they are not imprisoned in the senses. Our minds can freely guess, logically, that beyond the reach of the senses there is something similar and it is greater than what we can see, hear, touch, smell or taste.

Let's see how science and technology currently works/behaves? Science and technology currently assume that only something that can be observed, measured with tools or without tools can be trusted and believed to exist. Apart from that, it is said to be unscientific, unscientific and unreasonable. Current science teaches us that only what is observed, measured by the five senses or by tools can be believed to exist. Current science subtly instructs us to imprison/isolate our minds, other than that which is not observed by the senses or with tools, then something does not need to be believed, let alone until it is believed, that something does not exist. Shut up for a moment and think about it all, do we also think like that? God is invisible, it could be that God doesn't exist! It could be that we believe that God exists but are not yet convinced, because we are still asking why God is not visible to the eye? Stop! Stop for a moment, and free your mind, don't imprison your mind with the limits of your senses! Let your mind be free, be logical, there is something beyond the limits of the senses. We believe in that and we are very sure that it exists. Let's not imprison our minds like the way science and technology works. We remain knowledgeable, knowledgeable and use technology but in an open way, not isolated and imprisoned by the senses. Most of us may be open to knowledge, knowledgeable, and proficient in using technology. 

It is easy for us to believe that beyond the limits of our sight, beyond the horizon, behind the walls, behind the mountains, beyond it all there is something. After Cakrawa we believe there are other islands, there are other seas, there are other oceans. Behind the walls we believe there is another room, there is a field, there is another building. Behind the mountain we believe there is another village, there is a lake, there is a river, there is an island, there is even another mountain. But when we hear the word God, our brain seems to be stuck, our logic short-circuits, our reason is immediately imprisoned within the limits of the senses, our way of reasoning immediately works like a scientific condition, that the conditions for something to be said to exist, for something to be believed must be observable. , and measured and certain units. That is how we have always thought about God, without realizing our habit of thinking scientifically, the scientific thinking teachings we receive, the scientific thinking teachings we are taught, often make us short of logic, short of reasoning, short of reason, without us realizing it. This often makes us half human, sometimes godless, sometimes breaking off our relationship with God on purpose. 

“In this world we are free to do whatever we want, in the afterlife it will be up to you. Worship is limited to the door of the house of worship, to live in the world is to seek as much profit as possible, control as many resources as possible, enslave other humans, rule as long as possible." 

We spend most of our time as creatures who live hidden under the sky and walk on the earth with arrogance without realizing it. Most of the time we live as closed creatures / infidels / covered / disconnected from god. Even though I reminded him that "We cannot escape a single second, even a thousandth of a second from God because in that instant we are lost without meaning." Still, this mind tickles and negates, rejects, the whole body feels like it is screaming, this is very painful, and we don't like it.

From the illustrative data above, one blue dot is an estimate of the distance the eye can see towards the horizon, approximately 5,500 blue dots are needed to cover the entire surface area of ​​the earth. In another sense, we only see 1 of the 5,500 areas that exist, even though in reality there are many limitations that interfere with our eyes' vision. The fact that we are able to see a radius of 50 km to the horizon is a very good condition, which means the estimate above could be even smaller. In comparison, we can see 1 area out of 14,400 areas, only around 0.007%.

The description or illustration above is the same as our science and knowledge, everything we know, nothing more, nothing greater than our ignorance. All our knowledge is very small compared to our ignorance. Everything that is not known is the same as unseen or invisible or unknown. That's just a comparison with the surface of the earth, not yet a comparison with the universe. It seems that the comparison between what we know and the universe, one per decillion (1033) is too big, according to my calculations it is even smaller than that. 

I think there is more than enough comparative data between the visible and the entire universe. We can believe, believe until we are truly sure, very sure that beyond the limits of our eyes there is much more, much greater than all the things we can see. This means that to believe that there are other things out there that our senses are not needed. Something we need is to free our minds so that they are not imprisoned in the senses. Our minds can freely guess, logically, that beyond the reach of the senses there is also something similar to that and it is greater than what we can see, hear, touch, smell or taste.

Let's see how science and technology currently works/behaves? Science and technology currently assume that only something that can be observed, measured with tools or without tools can be trusted and believed to exist. Apart from that, it is said to be unscientific, unscientific and unreasonable. Current science teaches us that only what is observed, measured by the five senses or by tools can be believed to exist. Current science subtly instructs us to imprison/isolate our minds, other than that which is not observed by the senses or with tools, then something does not need to be believed, let alone until it is believed, that something does not exist. Shut up for a moment and think about it all, do we also think like that? God is invisible, it could be that God doesn't exist! It could be that we believe that God exists but are not yet convinced, because we are still asking why God is not visible to the eye? 

Stop! Stop for a moment, and free your mind, don't imprison your mind with the limits of your senses! Let your mind be free, be logical, there is something beyond the limits of your senses. We believe in that and we are very sure that it exists. Let's not imprison our minds like the way science and technology works. We remain informed, knowledgeable and use technology but in an open way, not isolated and imprisoned by the senses. Most of us may be open to knowledge, knowledgeable, and professional in using technology. 

It is easy for us to believe that beyond the limits of our sight, beyond the horizon, behind the walls, behind the mountains, beyond it all there is something. After Cakrawa we believe there are other islands, there are other seas, there are other oceans. Behind the walls we believe there is another room, there is a field, there is another building. Behind the mountain we believe there is another village, there is a lake, there is a river, there is an island, there is even another mountain. But when we hear the word God, our brain seems to be stuck, our logic short-circuits, our reason is immediately imprisoned within the limits of the senses, our way of reasoning immediately works like a scientific condition, that the conditions for something to be said to exist, for something to be believed must be observable. , and measured and certain units. That is how we have always thought about God, without realizing our habit of thinking scientifically, the scientific thinking teachings we receive, the scientific thinking teachings we are taught, often make us short of logic, short of reasoning, short of reason, without us realizing it. This often makes us half human, sometimes godless, sometimes breaking off our relationship with God on purpose. 

“In this world we are free to do whatever we want, in the afterlife it will be up to you. Worship is limited to the door of the house of worship, to live in the world is to seek as much profit as possible, control as many resources as possible, enslave other humans, rule as long as possible." 

We spend most of our time as creatures who live hidden under the sky and walk on the earth with arrogance without realizing it. Most of the time we live as closed creatures / infidels / covered / disconnected from god. Even though I reminded him that "We cannot escape a single second, even a thousandth of a second from God because in that instant we are lost without meaning." Still, this mind tickles and negates, rejects, the whole body feels like it is screaming, this is very painful, and we don't like it. 

The question remains, there is always the question, "If God really exists, why don't we hear His words?" even though the ears we use can only hear conversations limited to the room. Even though it is easy for us to believe and believe that, behind the walls of our room, next to our house, there are our neighbors who might also be chatting, having fun. In our surroundings, in our villages, in our towns, in cities all over the world are filled with humans interacting, conversing, communicating, there are also types of animals that roar, sing, whistle, crow, hiss. There was the sound of gurgling water, blowing wind, thunder booming, rain pouring, waves rolling and then breaking. We believe that it is there, we are very sure that it is there, and we don't need to hear it directly to believe it, the five senses are not needed to make us believe that there is a sound there, there is a sound there. We don't need to be witnesses that all these voices exist to believe and believe, just know that testimony carries consequences to be held accountable for. I repeat that to believe that God exists, five senses are not needed, five senses are needed to recognize fellow creatures/creations. We only need to free the mind, by not imprisoning it, isolating it within the limits of the reach of the senses. We and this universe really exist, of course we have to start from existing. Empty / zero / nothing, can never create something that is real. It is unfair if the condition for knowing God must be stimulated by our senses whose sensory abilities are limited.

0 × 0 , 0 ÷ 0, 0 + 0, 0 – 0, empty / empty / zero, can never exist. Everything in this world is real, it is impossible to start from something that is only/abstract/starting from nothing.

0 × 0, 0 ÷ 0, 0 + 0, 0 – 0, dead, something that is dead will never start, does not move, will not become alive, then all life begins from the Almighty, and will return to the Almighty Life .

It is impossible for everything to exist without someone starting it, it is impossible for everything that is alive to start from something that is dead. It is impossible for anything real to start from abstract/imaginary/virtual things. So what started all this, that is God. The law/principle of everything that exists is that someone makes/creates it and it is obligatory, as well as the law of the existence of God being obligatory. That is the God worshiped by the devil, the God who created the devil. God who created the universe / universe. So what is God like? Who is God? Where is God? How is God?

One thing is certain, God is alive, still alive, always alive. God is all-living, because everything that lives must come from the living. then what is God like? The answer is don't know, beyond the reach of the senses, infinite, infinite. Of course the answer "don't know" will not make us satisfied. But "don't know" is an honest answer, and honesty is the main condition for believing, honesty is a condition for having faith, honesty is a condition for being sure, really sure, really very sure. All questions about God regarding form, sound, color, whatever it is that refers, condenses, to a figure, then the most correct answer, the most honest answer is "don't know / unseen". If there is an answer that includes a depiction, image, figure, color, sound, shape, whatever it is, then leave God as depicted, imaged, because it is just a fantasy, and a drive for lust in believing in God. 

God is infinite, infinite, impossible to reach by human senses whose capabilities are limited, no matter how hard we try to hack the limits of the senses, what we find as a result of hacking is only a creature (creation), no matter how great we imagine God, the resulting image is just an imagination. . So be honest in answering, be honest in your actions, of course the answer is unknown/unseen. Yes, that is the real God, the God whom we must believe in, He is the God who is real, exists, must exist, is infinite, cannot be sensed, cannot be described, cannot be imagined.

An infinite God, of course it is impossible for us to describe, to illustrate, because none of our senses, whose capabilities are limited, are capable of sensing something infinite, infinite. Regarding your requirements for believing and believing that God must be able to be seen or sensed by one of our senses, try to think about the following. If the condition must be visible, then the God we see will be unfair to our blind brothers and sisters. Even though God is supposed to be fair, he is no longer fair. God, who is supposed to be Most Just, perfectly just, becomes a blemish, a loophole, a gap, because of the conditions we give. So to be sure that God exists, we only need to free the mind from the prison of the limits of the senses, and consider canceling the conditions we put forward.

Then who is God? He is Allah, the Most Holy and Most High. He is the one Allah, He is Allah, the God who introduced Himself to Muhammad bin Abdullah. He is Allah, the God that Muhammad bin Abdullah introduced to us. So is it true that the true God is called Allah? God the creator is everything that is infinite, immeasurable, unreachable by all human senses. So there is not a single human being on this earth who can confirm that the true God is named Allah. All human sensory devices only work at certain limits, lower limits and upper limits. Even if humans break that limit, it is impossible for the infinite God to be reached within the limits of human senses even if that limit has been broken. So, there is not a single human being on this earth who has the capacity, quantity, capability, competence, qualifications, capability, or whatever the term is to describe the ability to confirm that God is indeed called Allah! Because it is impossible for humans with limited working devices (senses) to determine something that is infinite, unfathomable, unreachable.

It is impossible for humans with limited senses to be sure, impossible to identify, that God is truly called Allah. All human searches regarding the origins of the world and everything in it will lead to the Creator (God), then to the nature inherent in God. God is the First (first), God is the Most Powerful, God is the Most Mighty, God is the Most Merciful, God is the Most Living, God is the Most Life-giving, God is the Most Merciful, God is the Most Just, God is the Most King (Ruler of Ruler), God is the Ultimate (final), and all of God's attributes are merged into one with His title. And humans with their reason, free reason, which comes out of the isolation of the senses, reason which comes out of the prison of the senses, can only reach the limit "That everything is real, caused by something real, namely God the Creator ." The Creator has characteristics like this, or his title is like this. So the mention of these characteristics and titles can vary in each nation and language. Sang Hyang Widhi (The Only One), San Hyang Taya (The Most Infinite, The Most Infinite), Thian Yuan (The One, The Most Great), and so on, the mention of the nature and title of God, may be different for each nation and language. With the rule that God is Great, immeasurable, infinite, unimaginable, then God cannot stop at a certain figure, shape, image, image. So we are obliged to abandon God who is depicted in a certain figure, we must not believe in a God in a certain form, we must not believe in a God who is depicted in the senses, we must not believe in a God with a certain image/imagination. We are obliged to abandon Gods in the form of human figures, animals, a combination of humans and animals. Because God is infinite, infinite, only God can introduce Himself to His Prophets and Apostles. He is Allah, the God who introduced Himself to Prophet Adam 'alaihi salam. 

He is Allah, the name of the Creator who was introduced, spoken by the Prophet Adam 'alaihi wasalam, to subsequent prophets, as well as his descendants down to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam. We have no other choice but to believe in the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alahi wasalam, that God is named Allah, because all the attributes of God, all the titles of God, all the best names of God, are in God who was introduced by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam . Only Allah can introduce Himself to His Prophets and Messengers, and we humans can only believe. And what was conveyed by Rasullullah Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam, about Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, detailed in the book Al-Qur'anul Karim is clear evidence that "Only Allah can introduce Himself to humans, and the Qur'an is proof that Muhammad bin Abdullah is truly His messenger." Because we can't believe it if it's just a claim, there must be concrete, detailed recorded evidence (books). 

Ashhadu an laa ilaha illallah, wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah. "I declare that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and I declare that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

Forgive me if I have to cut off the search path, identifying God in Rasullullah Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam because it is impossible to confirm God's name unless God Himself introduces Himself to the people of His choice. He is Allah, the name of God the Creator who introduced Himself to the Prophet Adam 'alahi salam. He is Allah, the name of God who was introduced by the Prophet Adam 'alaihi salam to his descendant children. He is Allah who introduced Himself to His Prophets, His Messengers. He is the God whom His apostles introduced to their people. It's just that our ancestors were reluctant, felt it was inappropriate, felt it was impossible to mention it directly. So what comes to us are the titles and characteristics attached to Him. And say His name "Allah Allah Allah" directly to break through the limits of the senses, break down the boundaries of the senses, eradicate doubts and shorten time. That's okay, it's okay, because Allah is Forgiving and Most Forgiving.

There is no other choice in believing in God, we can only believe in Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Regarding our testimony to Allah, with the 2 sentences of the creed/testimony, the testimony does not make Allah ours. Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is the owner of the heavens, the earth and everything in it. He is Allah, the owner of this universe, don't reverse the logic. Never think that with this testimony, God is ours. Never think that Allah is the right of those who perform to Him.

It is correct that we express our testimony by reciting the two sentences of the creed, but it is not correct that we are the owners of that truth. When we become witnesses for other people who state their testimony that "There is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.", we do not have the right, power or authority to decide that the testimony is valid or void. Because the limit of our knowledge of other people's testimony only extends to what we hear and what we see, this cannot be used to validate or invalidate other people's testimony, even if the person's testimony is not very fluent or eloquent, it is still the case . it does not amount to the annulment of the testimony. Whether a person's testimony is valid or invalidated is only the right of Allah. The entire universe belongs to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.

The earth and sky with all their contents belong to Allah, and absolute truth belongs only to Him. So for those of us who have stated two sentences of testimony, don't reverse the logic, and also narrow the meaning that "God belongs to those who give/carry testimony." Don't also narrow the meaning that God's love can only be given to those who bow down to Him. Don't feel that the truth is only for those who have given testimony. Don't ask God for justification regarding all our actions. Don't force the truth even if it is based on arguments, don't ask for justification with arguments. "Laa ilaha illallah" is a sentence that is absolutely true, no matter who says the sentence, the sentence merges with the subject who says it. So no one may claim ownership of that sentence, no person, group of people, association, firqah, attraction, foundation, body, organization whatever you want to call it can claim that the validity or invalidity of the testimony sentence or the sentence "Laa ilaha illallah" is only from its statement. group, organization, body. So there should be no such thing as "my God, your God, our God, their God". Allah is the owner of the earth, heavens and everything in them, so the term "my Allah, your Allah, our Allah, their Allah" is VOID / BATIL / WRONG to use if the name Allah is equated with the meaning of Lord, God, Gusti, and other terms for God. Because that could mean there are many Gods, whereas 

God is one, namely Allah subhanahu wata'ala alone. Meanwhile, when we pray, we use the words "O my Lord, O our God," then the words of greeting do not mean belonging, the words of greeting show servanthood, obedience, submission, weakness, and piety of His servant. The greeting "O my God, O our God" is a way for His servants to draw closer, submit and be full of hope, not to claim ownership of God. Nor is it intended to narrow God's love only to himself or his people or group. Because of things like that, Satan considers God to be his, feels righteous and demands to be justified by Allah subhanahu wata'ala.

Let us not occupy the position of Satan, assuming that Allah belongs to those who bow down to Him, Allah must only love those who bear witness to Him. Stay away from the maqam / place / position of Satan. Don't ever hope, or even ask, that "Allah subhanahu wata'ala who created the heavens and the earth and all its contents with all tribes, races, humans and jinn" will preferentially treat His creation, namely those who give testimony. Never ask Allah, the Most Merciful, to show favoritism. Believe only in Allah subhanahu wata'ala without ascribing any partners, remain surrendered to being a Muslim and remain open to all possibilities. Because our God is Allah subhanahu wata'ala who has power over everything, also has the power to do everything. Always be alert not to occupy the devil's station/position by closing off thoughts, opinions and interpretations. Because Satan's disbelief is not godless but closes himself, his thoughts and opinions from the power of Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Remain alert and careful of yourself.

Signs of knowing God and Makrifatullah

Bismilllahi Rahmanir Rohimi, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, no human being is born in this world and then dies unless he has been given enough signs to know Him, Allah subhanahu wata'ala. It's just that not everyone welcomes the sign, some people ignore the sign, ignore it, think it's just the wind. Even though "the wind" is also part of these signs.

Einstein with his theory of relativity of time, time is just an illusion created by human memory to differentiate between things that have happened, are happening and will happen (past, present and future). However, when moving at the speed of light, the past, present and future occur at the same time. Einstein closed his theory down to time itself, to the physical objects affected by that time. Einstein did not continue his question to "Who can move at the speed of light? If light is a wave, the source of light transmission is an inanimate object. Who moves the inanimate object? Because only the living can move. If all things were "originally dead, where did life come from? Because only the living can give life."

For whom do past, present and future events occur simultaneously? The answer is in mathematics, namely one, yes only one.

1 X past = past (L)

1 X present = present (K)

1 X future = future (D)

1 XL = 1 XK = 1 XD, 1 (one)*

One is not bound by time, not imprisoned in space, because he is the owner of space and time.

The factors forming/creating the past, present and future are only one, and only "one" where the past, present and future occur simultaneously right now. The factor or cause of the occurrence of all numbers, yes one, "2 is 1 X 2; 3 is 1 X 3; 4 is 1 Who is that one, namely God. Read my articles about numbers 1 to 10 , zero one and infinity , the concept of prime numbers .

Einstein and modern scientists are closed to their theories and methods, so they negate/reject the existence of God. They act closed/infidel/cover in their theories/opinions and also in their methodology, so that they consider their findings to be final, the conclusion is the absolute truth. Actually, there is no problem with methods and theories to determine the law about something, as long as it also includes the condition that the law only applies if all the conditions and criteria are met, if beyond that then there is an X factor that can change everything. The X factor is the power of God, but they are already closed, and think that their conclusions regarding theories and laws are final. The scientists thought that they had reached the end, but they needed to continue the sign to the substance that made it all exist. Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, of course, does not choose between giving signs to know Him, only the decisions and choices of creatures who consciously decide and close these signs. Then there will be no question "Why doesn't Allah give guidance/signs of His existence?" on the day of resurrection. And get ready for that day from now on.

Some of us also welcome the signs, trace them, follow where the sign stops, who is behind the signs, these signs come from God, continue the search, what is God like? Who is God? What is God like? From that search, there is something that stops at God, namely a figure, a figure, a figure, in this form, living in this era. Others say that God is one, God is immeasurable, God is imageless, God has a will, God is the Almighty. Yes, it's true, He has reached the final ladder in knowing God. When we arrive at the last ladder of knowing God, let us not feel proud, arrogant, showing off your achievements on the last ladder of knowing God (makrifat). When makrifat (knowing God) don't feel great about your makrifat, don't feel like you can do whatever you want because you know God. Don't feel like you're right about your wisdom, then justify whatever your actions/behavior are. Be careful, because the one who is wise is not only you, because the signs of knowing God were given/delivered to every human and jinn who has ever lived without exception. Allah, the Most Merciful, never chooses favorites in giving signs to recognize Him, both from the jinn and human groups. Because the one who makrifatullah (knows Allah subhanahu wata'ala) is not only you but also Satan. The devil is makrifatullah, but he is arrogant with his makrifat, so don't let those of you who are makrifatullah occupy the position of the devil, namely being arrogant, conceited, feeling righteous and always asking to be justified. Knowing God (makrifat) is not anything special, so you boast about it, are arrogant about it, and look down on those who have not reached the same ladder as you have reached. Be careful not to enter the devil's position.

Knowing God is a common thing, because the signs to know Him are given to all humans and jinn without exception, without favoritism, without lacking. All signs for knowing God are given adequately and appropriately. Therefore, when we have reached the final ladder of knowing God (makrifat), then makrifat makes us submit, submit. Makrifatullah, we know that Allah is infinite, infinite (Allah is the Greatest, Allahu Akbar), so from the creature side, we also know the limits of our abilities, the limits of what the senses can reach?, the limits of our abilities . reasoning?, to what extent is the limit of reason to determine who God's name really is?

Allah and His Angels

Humans with all their limitations, limited range of senses, limited distance, limited space for movement, limited life time, limited reasoning, it is impossible for humans to be able to ascertain the true name of God. Therefore, the final ladder of knowing God, only reaches everything that is real in the world, there must be a cause/ cause for it to exist and that is God . God is real, and He is infinite / infinite / Most Great, the reason is that it is impossible for us to know His name unless God Himself introduces Himself to His servants. God's servants are not you who have reached makrifat, not me, not all of us who follow the signs from God to the final ladder of knowing God (makrifat). The messenger of God is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Munthalib, yes he is Rasullullah and he is the last messenger. Because all the characteristics and attributes of God that we attain with wisdom have been recorded in the book of the Qur'an. And the Qur'an is proof of the validity/authenticity/legality that Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Munthalib is truly a prophet and apostle. In the Qur'an it has also been reported that "Muhammad was a Rasul (messenger) and the seal of the prophets" so there were no more prophets or apostles after him. So for those of us who have achieved makrifatullah, there is no other way except to submit ourselves, submit, obey, surrender and adhere to the law of Muhammad Rasullullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. And for anyone who boasts about his knowledge and does whatever he pleases, he must bring greater evidence than the Qur'an, not just claims or just fantasy stories like mirages. Those are two kinds of attitudes in responding to signs from God, and most of us are simply indifferent to these signs.

Apart from Satan, there are other groups who want to bow down to Adam alaihi salam, namely the group of angels and remaining angels. Who are the angels? Is it possible that children descended from the Prophet Adam alaihi salam are also allowed to subdue angels? Is subduing an angel too much for the descendant of Prophet Adam alaihi salam? Does the news about names and angels prostrating just stop with Prophet Adam alaihi salam? OK, let's first get to know the names of angels. There is Jibril, the angel who delivers revelations, there is Mikail, the angel who distributes good fortune, there is Israfil, Izrail, Rakib, Atid, Ridwan, Malik, Mungkar, Nakir, greetings to all these angels and those who are not. Are there any angels besides the ten? How come it says something like that! In my opinion there is, in my opinion when Allah subhanahu wata'ala decided to create this universe, the heavens and the earth and their contents, then that decision was written in the book Lauhulmahfudz. Lauhulmahfudz is the blueprint for the universe. In it is written how this universe was built and grew. To build this universe, the materials have been determined, including how to build or grow this universe, which has been written in the book Lauhulmahfudz. A number of ways or rules in building or growing the universe are what are then called angels.

Angels are all the provisions/rules/protocols that bind/regulate all things from the beginning of the universe being formed/built, then growing until the end of the universe. So there are many angels, there are many rules in this universe, from when it was first formed, then as it continues, towards the end of the universe. So there are many angels besides the ten we know. The ten angels are a number of rules/protocols whose function is to deliver/transmit everything from Allah subhanahu wata'ala to his creatures and vice versa. Of course, we cannot possibly perceive a number of rules/protocols with our five senses, but there are times when angels are given the power to correspond with His chosen servants, namely by resembling the form of His creatures. Yes, to the prophets and apostles, there are times when the ten angels can appear to teach something, explain, or convey answers from Allah subhanahu wata'ala. But that is not the true form of angels, their true form is clearly impossible to be captured by the senses. If there are angels/rules whose function is to correspond/interface/connect, of course there are angels/protocols/rules whose function is to bind the nature of creatures/objects/material. The angels who bind creatures / properties of objects are not known to us by name. To know the angels that bind matter, of course we have to know the name of the object/material, then we study it until we can derive the properties that bind that object or material. So in this way we have recognized, known the angels who bind creatures/material. The properties that bind objects are the smallest unit of angels so that they cannot be separated/free from all the rules/characteristics attached to them.

For an example of recognizing angels /rules/protocols in objects, we take the example of water. We know it by the name "water", then we observe it until we can understand the properties of water, such as, water always flows from high to low places, water always spreads in all directions, water has a flat or calm surface, water occupies space, water dissolves, and so on. So by being able to derive the properties of water, we also know the angels who bind water. Now we also know that water is not a pure element. Water turns out to be a compound of two pure elements, namely hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen has the properties of its own substance, oxygen also has the properties of its own substance. When hydrogen and oxygen form a water compound, it also has its own unique properties. Unique properties that bind pure elements/atoms, unique properties when atoms form compounds, a number of these properties are a number of angels/rules/protocols that we are able to recognize/identify, and the name of the angel is attached to the name of the object / matter / compound / element.

In the current era, we are familiar with the names of objects, the names of compounds/molecules, the names of pure elements in nature. Today we have known many names of pure elements and we have identified the properties and pure elements. How much do we know the names of objects, the names of elements? How do we recognize the properties of objects, the properties of elements? So we also recognize the names of angels/rules/protocols that bind objects/materials and elements to them. Does recognizing the many angels that bind matter immediately enable us to subdue the angels or the matter they bind? Of course not, to subdue the angels that bind matter, we need a lot of knowledge about the names of objects, names of elements, properties of objects, properties of elements, then we also observe the influence of one object on another. We also need to create a mechanical system, or rules for how everything is connected and works according to our wishes. When the mechanical system is running and we get benefits from it, then that is when we have subordinated the angels who bind these elements/objects to work for us. So nowadays, in this era, if we recognize objects/items/products that we use every day, whose benefits we feel, then there are many angels working for us so that those objects work according to the function we want. From our side, the mechanical system works according to our wishes, but from the angel's side that binds the properties of objects/elements, he only submits and glorifies Allah subhanahu wata'ala alone.

Let's take an example of a fairly complex mechanical system, one of which is electricity. Let's take the example of hydroelectric power. To build hydroelectric power we need the property of water to flow from high places to low places. Then we also need to understand magnets with their properties that attract objects with metallic elements. When a magnet is able to attract objects made of metal, then there is power/strength to attract it. The metal itself transmits / induces the attraction of the magnet to the tip of the metal. From here we need sufficient knowledge about magnets, techniques for making magnets, we need sufficient knowledge about metal elements and metal refining techniques. Because metals in nature are found in the form of compounds, and some are in the form of pure metals such as gold or platinum. We also need to know about the power limits that the metal can withstand. After all that knowledge, we need to create a mechanical system for generating electricity. We need to store a certain amount of water by building dams. Here we have isolated the water, then we also need to drain the water with a constant flow. In the moving water, we install a turbine connected to a generator. In the generator there is a magnet wrapped in a coil. So the water flow moves the turbine, the turbine is connected to a generator which plays a magnet in the coil. So the attractive power of the magnet is played, this is like playing with continuous pushing and pulling, then the power is transmitted by the metal with its properties of inducing power to the end. We also need to calculate the upper and lower limits for the power produced. Here we also need knowledge about calculations. It requires a very large amount of power to be able to deliver the electrical power produced by the generator to a place hundreds of kilometers away. Then it also needs to reduce the power / reduce the power enough until it is deemed safe to use. Until we use that power again, it becomes light, becomes movement/fan, becomes cooling, becomes sound and so on.

We can do all of the above provided we have a lot of knowledge of names, a lot of knowledge about the properties of the names of objects, knowledge of techniques and mechanics. To arrive at the current era, it took a long journey of hundreds of years to recognize names, derive the properties of names, know the technique of isolating/imprisoning one trait or several traits, it took a lot of knowledge about calculations, it took knowledge of the influence of one thing. with other objects, and other knowledge. The result today is knowing the various devices that we use/utilize every day. In these devices there are many properties of objects that work together, so in these devices there are many angels working and subordinating them according to the function we desire. The angels remain subject to the function of binding the nature of objects, and remain subject to sunatullah, and remain grateful to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. It would be a great loss today, what we see, what we hear, what we taste with our tongue and hands, what we smell with our nose, if all of that does not remind us of God. It would be a great loss if all of this could not make us thank God, even though in all of this there are many angels who still thank Allah subhanahu wata'ala, it would be a loss if we did not also glorify them. It would be a great loss if all of this did not also make us praise Allah subhanahu wata'ala. O Allah, You did not create all this in vain, Glory be to You, Praise be to You, and protect us from the torment of hell.

Now we know that the angels bowed down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam because Prophet Adam alaihi salam was given knowledge of the names as well as the characteristics of the names, so all the angels were ordered to bow down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam. And for anyone who is a descendant of the Prophet Adam alaihi salam, who masters a lot of knowledge, understands many of the properties of objects/materials, is able to create any mechanical system, then he has subdued several angels to want to work for him. Therefore, it is important for us to be able to master a lot of knowledge, memorize many names, understand the properties of matter, as a form of gratitude to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. We glorify all the knowledge that has been given to us, also as the next generation of Prophet Adam alaihi salam. We must try and strive to master science, as a descendant of the Prophet Adam alaihi salam, where knowledge extends to knowing angels, also to knowing and understanding Allah subhanahu wata'ala. All this knowledge reminds us of Allah subhanahu wata'ala, and continues to remind our brothers whose knowledge only extends to substances/materials.

The angels who bowed down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam are all the angels who bind material objects whose names have been mentioned by him but also the angels whose task is to carry out correspondence / face to face / interface which we know are ten in number ( Jibril, Mikail, Israfil , Izrail, Ridwan, Malik, Rakib, Atid, Mungkar, Nakir, greetings to everyone). To the prophets and apostles angels are permitted to appear in certain forms, but to the children and grandchildren of Prophet Adam alaihi salam, they can only be recognized when they think and reflect on everything that has happened or is happening. Allah subhanahu wata'ala has given sufficient signs of knowing Him to all human beings who are born into this world without exception. The signs of knowing Allah subhanahu wata'ala were conveyed by the angel Jibril alaihi salam, but when the smallest unit of the angel Jibril alaihi salam came, many of us did not realize it. For example, the smallest unit of the angel Gabriel has come to us.

"At the beginning of the film Ratatouille when Remy sneaks into the kitchen and sees a television show showing Chef Gusteau , there Chef Gusteau says "Good food is like music in terms of taste, and color in terms of aroma..." then Remy eats cheese and a color animation appears and sound, then Remy eats a strawberry and a color and sound animation appears, the scene continues with Remy eating both at the same time. ”

From the scene in the film Ratatouille above, the animator describes that taste is like music and aroma is like color. The animator said that taste is not only sweet, salty, savory, spicy, then aroma is not only fragrant, fragrant, delicious, rotten. What was further conveyed was that from taste to sound it is only an interpretation, so we often encounter interpretations of the taste of sugar, sweet, sweet, hulwun, amai , and interpretations of aroma that are not just fragrant, then everyone has to say fragrant . Where do tastes, sounds, aromas come from? What we know is that we are suddenly alive, equipped with all these devices (senses) and have learned to control our bodies. Where does life come from, except from the Almighty, namely God. What is God like? the answer is immeasurable, unimaginable, infinite, because all the devices within us work in a limited way, and everything is only an interpretation. Our senses will never be able to identify God, because God who is the Greatest / infinite is impossible to reach by the five senses with limited abilities ( ∞ ÷ (j,k,l,m,n) = impossible / impossible * j, k,l, m,n are the upper or lower limit of the five senses' abilities, no matter how much we break the limit, it is still variable / variable is still limited ) . So why do we have to worship figures, forms? Why do we have to worship figures who only lived in the past or a certain era? Why do we have to worship a figure who is trapped in a certain time? So we must abandon such Gods. We can only believe in Him who is the Greatest, infinite, unimaginable, immeasurable.

That was the sign that Allah subhanahu wata'ala has conveyed to us through the Angel Gabriel alaihi salam through the film Ratatouille. Who among us realizes from the scene above, the smallest unit of the Angel Gabriel alaihi salam has come to those of us who watched the film, or even to those involved in the making of the film Ratatouille ? How many millions of eyes have watched the film Ratatouille  who realized that they were visited by the smallest unit of the Angel Gabriel alaihi salam? Yes, of course we will not recognize the Angel Gabriel as a particular figure or form, but if we are aware that the smallest unit of angels is a number of rules/protocols carrying out certain functions, then by thinking about it we can recognize that there is a smallest unit of the Angel Jibril alaihi salam. came to convey a sign from Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Do we still think that Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, the Most Merciful, is selective in giving signs of knowing Him only to the prophets and apostles, or do we still think that after Rasullullah Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam died, the Angel Gabriel was non -working, the rickshaws, so unemployed? Allah has provided sufficient signs of knowing Him to all mankind through the Angel Gabriel alaihi salam, but most of us ignore these signs.

That is the smallest unit of the Angel Gabriel alaihi salam, who has come to deliver signs of knowing Allah subhanahu wata'ala. What about Angel Michael alaihi salam? A baby sister /nanny, she always smiles and is cheerful when accompanying the children she is looking after to play, she also still smiles when the children she is looking after are fussy, peeing/defecating, because she is aware that she will get a salary/honourary fee from there. Compare this with us/a father/mother when caring for our own child, many times we get angry when our child defecates, or when our child makes a mess of his toys, or he spills a drink or so on. On the one hand, the nanny gets money/payment from the child she is looking after, on the other hand, the father/mother who looks after their own child only gets tired or extra tired. So Angel Michael is not the master of the babysitter, the smallest unit of Angel Michael is a number of rules/protocols that make something possible to extend life span (source of livelihood). So the smallest unit of the Angel Michael comes to the Caregiver, likewise he comes to us/fathers/mothers who raise their own children, so smile and say hello to him. Besides, what reason do you have to be angry with a child who is asking for permission to be able to control his body, hands and feet? You are angry, because you expected more or imagined that they could do everything themselves or you have forgotten that you also needed permission to be able to control your hands and feet.

Many of the smallest units of the Angel Michael have come to us, but many of us have ignored them without saying hello. When a doctor gets paid for the services of someone who has respiratory problems, digestive tract problems, hearing problems, bodily organ dysfunction, and so on. A number of rules and events that make the doctor receive payment for his services are good fortune, so when we get our eyes, nose, ears, mouth and body fine (healthy), that's when the smallest unit of the Angel Mikail alahi salam has come to deliver good fortune to us. Pray and be blessed when we find that everything is fine because the smallest unit of Angel Michael has come and fulfilled his task. Try not to get angry about everything that we think will not bring us money. Stay grateful and smile because in this world the exams we take are practical exams. The practice of patience is difficult, but remember at the same time it was an angel who conveyed it and has allowed it to happen to us.

Not only the smallest unit of Angel Jibril alaihi salam or Angel Michael alaihi salam comes to us, as soon as we wake up from sleep, all ten angels come to greet us, and a number of material binding angels remain in their positions according to the sunatullah. But there is one thing, not everything that we recognize and then derive its characteristics that can be subdued. There are a number of things that we recognize and we know their properties but we are not allowed to subdue them, one of which is blood and blood flow. We know there is blood in our body, we also know it flows, but we are not allowed to control it, it is the smallest unit of Satan. Yes the smallest unit of Satan resides in the bloodstream, we are not allowed to subdue it even though we recognize it and know its name. We can only make it respond when we use permission to control our hands and feet. And the best action, the best trigger is when we use our hands and feet to bow down to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. So at that moment Satan also bowed down to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. And remember that Satan only obeys and prostrates himself to Allah.

Let's recall the news about Satan who refused to bow down to Prophet Adam alaihi salam. At that time the devil swore that "By Your Almighty, I will lead them all astray (jinn and humans)". From the devil's side, this rebuttal is actually his defense of the angels, the devil defends himself and the angels that "the devil and the angels do not mind if the one who cuts up, or combines a number of rules is Allah subhanahu wata'ala". Satan objects if those who have to dismember, isolate/imprison, combine a number of rules also have the status of fellow creatures, namely humans, in this case Prophet Adam alaihi salam and his descendants. The devil is reluctant/does not want to obey if the one who cuts, separates the bonds and connects the bonds is a human. So what Satan means by shedding blood is not only the fact that humans will shed each other's blood but also that humans will later break and connect angelic ties. Until now, humans have been cutting up and combining a number of protocols, rules that bind atoms and compounds. Humans react one atom with another atom, to form new compounds, or separate/purify other compounds. So the angels / protocols / rules / properties that bind atoms / matter are subject to human will (the children and grandchildren of Prophet Adam alaihi salam). Still, there are a number of cases, a number of materials / a number of random rules, which are difficult to formulate and therefore difficult to comply with. So that is a small part of Satan, not all of it can be subdued by humans. From Allah's perspective, it is something that protects His Greatness, so it is clearly impossible for humans to recognize it with their senses and reason. From a human perspective, we are only allowed to know within certain limits, and can control within certain limits too. And in limitations, in great ignorance, the best attitude/behavior is SUJUD. There is no best way when you reach the point of ignorance / occultation / impasse except by prostration.

Prostration is the last act we can do, because in reality, this world, this universe, this universe, our earth with all its contents is a real thing, and could not possibly exist without someone starting it. Our thinking is short-circuited that all this starts from zero, we think that counting starts from zero and think this world starts from zero. The missing link in our thinking is thinking that everything starts from nothing. So it's time for us to redefine zero as not existing, but zero as death. And it is impossible for everything that is alive to come from inanimate objects, everything that is alive started from the Almighty. The Almighty is Allah subhanahu wata'ala. We rearrange our mindset to reset that everything must start from one, not zero. That's the missing link I mean. Allah subhanahu wata'ala is only one and there is no one like Him, and He is truly God. And we all have to believe in God.

  • We are all obliged to believe in God, the universal formula for mechanics has not been discovered, and will never be discovered. Then there is no godless option.
  • Our search through scientific disciplines, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, language and literature, and all branches of scientific disciplines, is to identify the properties of the names of objects and subdue the protocol rules that bind objects (angels), not to prove the absence of God.
  • Makrifatullah is not something extraordinary that we can be proud of or sell to collect the world's treasury. Makrifatullah should make us adhere to the law of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam.
  • Believe / have faith in Allah subhanahu wata'ala with real faith, believe with great confidence.
  • Remain open to everything that we believe to be true, and the only cover for truth is La ilaha illallah.

Ya Allah aku mohon kepadaMu

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